TechSend is a leading provider of Tenant Administration services for Microsoft 365. Our team of experts has the skills and experience necessary to help you create, modify, and manage the accounts of users who have access to your organisation ‘s resources.

Single & Bulk User creation and Modification

Our experts will assist you in creating and changing user accounts, whether it be for a single user or for several users utilising a CSV file. We will verify that user accounts are created with the relevant information and licences.

Reset passwords

Our specialists will assist you with resetting passwords for a single user or numerous users simultaneously. We will also assist in configuring the user self-service password reset feature.

Block/unblock users

Our experts will assist you with restricting or unblocking user accounts, which can be useful in situations such as employee termination or device loss.

Delete/restore users

Our specialists will assist you with removing or restoring user accounts, ensuring that people no longer have access to company resources when required, and restoring access when essential.

Modify naming attributes

Our experts will assist you in updating naming attributes such as first name, last name, display name, and other naming attributes if an error occurred during the initial establishment of the user’s account or if an employee’s name has changed.

MFA Enablement, reset, and updates when devices change

Our experts will assist with implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for user accounts and will reset or upgrade MFA when necessary, such as when a user’s device is replaced.

Change UPN

Alter the User Principal Name (UPN) of many users simultaneously using CSV: Our staff will assist you in changing the UPN of multiple users simultaneously using a CSV file in the event that an organization’s domain name changes or a user’s name changes.

Change contact information

Our specialists will assist with updating user contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses, ensuring that the information is accurate and may be utilised for emergency contact or IT support.
With TechSend, you can rest assured that your organization’s user account setup and management requirements will be met. Call us today to learn more about how we can assist you in creating and managing Microsoft 365 user accounts.

License usage

Our experts will analyse your existing licence utilisation and give a report detailing which licences are being utilised and which are not.

Gathers client’s users

We will collect information about the users of your organisation, including their roles and the services they require.

Matches up licenses to clients

We will match the right licences with the users of your organisation, ensuring that each user has the licences necessary to access the required services.

Review current license usage

Our experts will analyse your existing licence utilisation and give a report detailing which licences are being utilised and which are not.
Whenever possible, we will generate a report that links licences to users in order to provide you with an overview of your organisation’s licence utilisation.

Utilisation Reports

We will provide you with a detailed report on the difference between the licenses that are being utilized and those that are not, giving you insight into your organisation ‘s license usage.


We will offer you with a roadmap to new licencing, including recommendations for new licences and any modifications to your organisation’s existing licences that are required.

Licensing Management

Our team will manage your organisation’s licenses, including assigning and reassigning licenses as needed.

Migration of subscription(s) to TechSend CSP

We will help you migrate your organisation ‘s subscriptions to TechSend CSP, allowing us and you to manage your licenses more effectively.

With TechSend, you can be sure that your tenant is administered, and user accounts are setup in a way that meets the needs of your organisation.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you set up and manage user accounts in Microsoft 365.